
The people at Federal Appraisal LLC regularly speak and present publicly about real estate and business appraisal.  Please see a partial list of our presentations below.

Steven L. Newman Real Estate Institute
“Exuberant Bubble” or “Fundamentally Sound” Where are Real Estate Prices Going? (PowerPoint)
September 2005

IAAO Councils & Sections Public Utility Section
Reconciling the Reconciliation (PowerPoint)
Charlotte, NC, 2006

Millennials and Real Estate Trends (PowerPoint)

2009 Ethanol Bankruptcy & Acquisitions Conference
Creating, Maintaining and Measuring of Ethanol Plants (PowerPoint)

EMP Bahrain
Sustaining Growth of Infrastructure in Emerging Markets (PowerPoint)
Bahrain, 2009

NJCTBA Annual Meeting and Convention
The Appraisal of Solar Power Assets for Assessment (PowerPoint)

2015 Northeastern Regional Association of Assessing Officers Annual Conference
Assessing Real & Personal Property & Biz Intangibles (PowerPoint)
Portsmouth, NH 2015

New Jersey Seminar of the Society of Professional Appraisers
Go Dark Theory (PowerPoint)

The 46th Annual Wichita Program
When Obsolescence is Accelerating (PowerPoint)
Wichita, KS, 2016

PowerPoint Presentations American Bar Association/Institute for Professionals in Taxation
Advanced Property Tax Seminar
Impact of Millennials on Industrial Real Estate & The Go Dark Hypothesis
New Orleans, LA, 2017

NRAAO, Annual Conference
Impact of Millennials on Real Estate
Mystic, CT, 2017

New Jersey State Bar Association Annual Conference
Borgata Decision! Appraisal Implications
Atlantic City, NJ, 2014

PEI Infrastructure Investor: New York
Managing Infrastructure Assets: In a Post-Cheap Deb World
New York, NY, 2009

Power & Electricity World: Latin America Conference
Creating and Measuring Value: A Power Plant Development
Coral Gables Florida, 2009

Corpbanca Seminar Invitation
Fair Value Appraisal for the Real Estate Industry in Chile
Santiago, Chile, 2008

The Pan Pacific Valuation Conference
The Effects of Deregulation/Privatization on the Selection of Valuation Methodology
23rd Pan Pacific Valuation Conference,
San Francisco, 2006

Baruch College (CUNY),
“Exuberant Bubble” or “Fundamentally Sound”:  Where are Real Estate Prices Going?
New York, September, 2005

The Center for Business Intelligence, now Platts, a division of McGraw-Hill
Valuing Generation Assets – Employing Effective Due Diligence
Power Asset Mergers and Acquisitions Conference, 2004

Methodologies for Portfolio Valuation of Power Plant Assets
6th Annual Electric Asset Valuation Conference, 2004

Sophisticated Valuation Techniques – Theory and Practice
5th Annual Electric Asset Valuation Conference, 2003

The International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO)
Reconciling the Reconciliation, Power Plants and Utilities
IAAO Public Utility Section, Charleston, 2006

Recognizing & Separating Real Property, Personal Property, and Intangible Values in Common Indications of Value
IAAO Public Utility Section, Milwaukie, 2006

Cell Towers and Telecommunications Property
IAAO Legal Update, San Francisco, 2006

Valuing Complex Properties, Power Plants
IAAO Public Utility Section, Boston, 2004

Preparation and Trial Seminar (Mock Trial)
IAAO, Las Vegas, May, 2007

Preparing for the Big One – The Trial of a $1 Billion Case; How a Complex Case Illustrates Basic Principles of Valuation and Trial Practice
CAAO 14th Fall Symposium, 2008

The Wichita State University Annual Conference on the Appraisal for Ad Valorem Taxation of Communications, Energy and Transportation Properties

Preparing for the Big One – The Trial of a $1 Billion Case; How a Complex Case Illustrates Basic Principles of Valuation and Trial Practice
37th Annual Conference, 2007

Rate Basics – Back to the Basics for Experts, Finding a Common Language
40th Annual Conference, 2010

When Obsolescence is Accelerating
46th Annual Conference 2016

Rutgers University, Office of Continuing Education
Brownfields: Emerging Issues, The Economics of Green
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 2008

The Long Island Society of Certified Public Accountants
Understanding Key Appraisal Concepts:  Methodologies and Procedures, and Capitalization Rates

Real Estate Committee, October, 2005

The Society of Professional Assessors
Dark Store v the Force of Market Value, Big Box, Little Box and the Dark Store Hypothesis
Hasbrouck Heights, NJ, April, 2016

Borgata Decision – Separating Real, Personal and Intangible Property
Hasbrouck Heights, NJ, April, 2014

A Case Study in Complex Litigation:  Wheelabrator v City of Bridgeport
Haddam, CT, November, 2013

Appraising Complex Properties for Property Taxes:  A Power Plant Case Study
Mystic, CT, October, 2005

How low can you go?  Cap Rates and Yield Rates Methodologies, Procedures, Market Cycle, and Current Issues
Rutherford, NJ, April, 2006

The Institute for Professionals in Taxation, IPT, Annual Property Tax Symposium
Valuation of Electric Generating Stations Owned by Independent Power Producers
Austin, Texas, November 2, 2010

Connecticut Association of Assessing Officers
Dark Store v the Force of Market Value, Big Box, Little Box and the Dark Store Hypothesis
University of Connecticut, CT, June, 2016

The Appraisal and Assessment of Big Box and Large Owner-Occupied Properties
September, 2011

New Jersey County Tax Board Association
Appraising Solar Power Assets for Property Taxation
September, 2011

South Jersey Chapter of the Appraisal Institute
Appraising Solar Power Assets

September, 2011

Articles and Publications

“Benford’s Law in Appraisal”, The Appraisal Journal, Fall 2018

“The Appraisal of Power Plants”, The Appraisal Journal, Summer 2014
This article won the 2014 Swango Award.  The Appraisal Journal’s Editorial Board presents the Swango Award to the best article published during the previous year on residential, general, or technology-related topics, or for original research of benefit to real estate analysts and valuers.

“Options in Real Estate Valuation”, The Appraisal Journal, Summer 2013

Reviewer for the “Real Estate Valuation in Global Markets”, Second Edition, The Appraisal Institute, 2010, ISBN 978-1-935328-12-4

“Defining and Supporting Entrepreneurial Profit and Incentive, and External Obsolescence”, The Appraisal Journal, Winter 2010

“Relationships between the Overall Property and Its Parts, and the Three Approaches to Value”, The Appraisal Journal, Winter 2009

“The Energy for Change: Building Our Alternative Energy Future”, Property World, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Winter 2009

 “Corridor Valuation, the ATF Method, and Maximally Productive Uses, Recent Observations from the Rail Line”, Right of Way Journal, International Right of Way Association, September 2008

“Correcting Property Taxes on High-Value Properties”, Unpublished, July 2004

“A Generalized Analysis to Determine Three Unknowns; Value, Real Estate Taxes and Real Estate Tax Recoveries”, Assessment Journal, Summer 2003

“Property Taxes, A Silver Lining”, Energy Pulse, July 2003

“Considerations for Valuation and Litigation”, Deloitte & Touche Real Estate Newsletter, New York, April 2000

“Reducing Property Taxes in a Rising Market”, Real Estate New York, February 1998

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