Lease Audit/Analysis
Federal Appraisal provides expert lease audit and lease analysis services.
Commercial real estate leases are often very complex. They often include unspecified rent and expenses beyond the base rent. These include rent escalation clauses, operating expense passthroughs, real estate tax passthroughs, common area charges (CAM), electricity charges, other utilities charges, insurance charges and many others. These rents and passthrough could have any number of methods of calculation, including a net passthrough, a pro rate share, a specified (non-pro rata) share, and the methods can change from year to year. They can have minimums and maximums and they can be based on changes over a base amount or index. Even base rent calculations are often complicated, with periodic base rent adjustments such as steps, CPIs, and mark-to-market clauses.
Analyzing leases is thus, difficult for the inexperienced. Since lease payments can equal the market (sales) value of the real estate in as short as seven years, the consequences of not auditing a longer term commercial real estate lease can result in substantial losses.
Services to Tenants
Leased Fee or Leasehold Appraisal
Federal Appraisal LLC provides appraisals of any type of lease interest, leased fee or leasehold interests, for any accounting or legal reasons.
Lease Audit
Lease audits examine the payments requested by landlords to determine their appropriateness. Lease audits help identify errors and recover overcharges. Our process includes the analysis of the lease, the landlord's payment requests, the landlord's records to the extent permitted by the lease. It can include a results presentation to and negotiations with the landlord to recover overcharges.
Lease Analysis
Since the sum of the lease payments over a term of about seven to ten years can equal the market (sales) value of the real estate and since lease payments are often so complicated, all negotiations for longer term leases should be conducted with the counsel of expert real estate analysts, such as those at Federal Appraisal LLC. We can provide buy/rent decision analysis, lease to lease cash equivalence comparisons, and other due diligence support and reporting.
Services to Landlords
Lease Audit
Lease audits examine the payments requested by landlords to determine their appropriateness. Lease audits help identify errors and recover undercharges. Our process includes the analysis of the lease, the landlord's payment requests, and the landlord's records. It can include a results presentation to and negotiations with the tenants to justify the charges.
Lease Analysis
Since the sum of the lease payments over a term of about seven to ten years can equal the market (sales) value of the real estate and since lease payments are often so complicated, all negotiations for longer term leases should be conducted by expert real estate analysts, such as those at Federal Appraisal LLC. We can provide buy/rent decision analysis, lease to lease cash equivalence comparisons, and other due diligence support and reporting.
Services to Buyers and Sellers - Due Diligence
We also provide and/or certify rent rolls, lease cash flow projections, and net present value calculations of lease income.
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Federal Appraisal advises on Acquisition and/or Disposition Due Diligence
Buying property is often the largest purchase for private citizens. Buying and selling property is often the largest financial endeavor of larger entities and governments, as well.
Federal Appraisal provides Acquisition and/or Disposition Due Diligence valuation services to our client to ensure optimal outcomes. In addition to market value appraisals, we provide offering price valuations, negotiated price valuations, and low/high risk price valuations. We also provide fairness opinions, feasibility studies, and market studies.
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Corporate Real Estate
Each corporation has its own unique business requirements. That’s why Federal Appraisal, LLC was formed. Many of the appraisal and consulting needs of corporations can only be solved with complex and non-traditional appraisal and consulting services. Federal Appraisal specializes in those services. We understand that each investor requires different analyses and reporting. We tailor each of our engagements to the needs of the individual corporation and to those investing in the corporation.
Our services to corporations include:
Business Appraisal / ValuationGoing ConcernGood Will & IntangiblesMark to MarketLiquidation
Damages and Lost Income
Small and Mid-Sized Corporations and Businesses
Site selection
Acquisition and disposition due diligence services and support
Transaction assistance
Executive Summary reports and other report formats
Lease Auditing and Analyses, net lease analyses
Market reviews and real estate research
Financial and sensitivity modeling
Portfolio reviews
Fairness Opinions and Comfort Letters
International transaction/multi-lingual capabilities
Management information systems and technology applications
IRS and State Tax ReportingCost SegregationPurchase Price Allocation
Impairment Studies
SEC / Investor Reporting
Portfolio and single asset appraisals, valuations
Portfolio analysis and strategy
Real estate department management review
Advisor compliance reviews
Property manager compliance reviews
Market studies and research
Feasibility Studies
Development analysis
Internal and external appraisal reviews
Expedited services for time-sensitive projects
Property Tax
See Business Valuation/Asset Type, Accounting and Legal issues pages, for more information on Federal Appraisal.
Management Consulting Issues and Solutions for Corporations & Private Owners
Federal Appraisal provides user-defined scopes of services and agreed upon procedures services relating to Corporations & Private Owners.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Federal Appraisal, LLC provides the real estate appraisals and valuation reporting support required by the SEC. See our SEC page for more information.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Federal Appraisal, LLC provides the real estate appraisals and business valuation reporting support required by the IRS. See our IRS page for more information.
Corporate Headquarters and Campuses
While a corporate headquarters may entail one large specially built office building, a corporate campus typically comprises multiple buildings or a variety of occupancy types (office, research, manufacturing, processing) at one location that act together as one economic unit in support of the corporation. They frequently have centralized support, amenities, and other internal functions. Frequently, headquarters and campuses have sizable buildings and frequently cover dozens sometimes hundreds of acres of land. They frequently have expensive-to-build special improvements and finishes, and therefore, their cost new can be unusually high. Consequently, if their highest and best use remains as a headquarters or campus, then their values will likely be high. Conversely, if the company that developed the headquarters or campus no longer needs it, given the nature of the special purpose improvements, the headquarters or campus may suffer substantial functional and or economic obsolescence.
Therein lies the basis of appraisal challenge and of valuation disputes. Federal Appraisal regularly testifies to its appraisals on these types of issues for corporate headquarters and campuses.
Federal Appraisal has appraised dozens of corporate headquarters and campuses in the United States for a variety of purposes and uses. Federal specializes in appraising corporate headquarters or campus that include:
Research and development
Wet/dry laboratory space
Warehouses and manufacturing buildings
Office Buildings of all different types
Power Plants and Power Plants that serve corporate campuses
Excess and surplus land, water frontage, water rights, rights of way and easements
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Businesses and Business Intangibles
Business Appraisal
Federal Appraisal, LLC’s appraisers offer business appraiser certified services (ASA, business appraisal) for any number of business valuation issues. Business appraisals and valuation services are needed for a number of purposes. Federal Appraisal, LLC provides these services to both large corporations and small businesses. Business appraisal differs from general real estate appraisal in that special care must be exercised in differentiating the various classes of assets during the analysis and in the reporting. Of course, there are special appraisal methodologies for various business appraisal problems.
Federal provides business and business asset appraisals for financing, tax reporting, investor reporting, and litigation.
Mark to market, FASB 141 & 142
Going concerns
Good will & intangibles
Contracts, work forces in place, client/customer lists
Impaired assets
Damages and lost income
Intellectual property
Personal property, Machinery and equipment
Real Property and Land
See our Corporate page, Small and Mid-Sized Companies page, Asset Type page, and our Accounting and Legal issues pages, for more information on Federal Appraisal.
Management Consulting Issues and Solutions for Corporations & Private Owners
Federal Appraisal provides user-defined scopes of services and agreed upon procedures services relating to Corporations & Private Owners
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Federal Appraisal, LLC provides the real estate appraisals and valuation reporting support required by the SEC. See our SEC page for more information.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Federal Appraisal, LLC provides the real estate appraisals and valuation reporting support required by the IRS. See our IRS page for more information.
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